- Current population 25 451 546
- Current male population (49.8%)12 685 112
- Current female population (50.2%) 12 766 434
- Labour Force in 2017: 910.000
- In 2017 Australia imported $ 199 milliards, making it the 22nd largest importer in the world.
- Its main imports are Cars ($ 18.1 Billion), Oil Refining ($ 14.4 Billion), Special Purpose Vessels ($9 Billions), Broadcasting Equipment ($ 7.22 Billion) and Delivery Trucks ($ 6.8 Billion).
- The main origins of its imports are China ($ 47 milliards), the United States ($ 20,5 milliards), South Korea ($ 18,7 milliards), Japan ($ 16.3 Billion) and Thailand ($ 10.6 Billion).
- The Australian economy has achieved positive results in the last decades, being flexible, competitive and solid.
- Australia ranks among the five freest economies according to the 2016 Economic Freedom Index (published annually by the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal), behind Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand and Switzerland, providing an ideal environment for business.
- It is also a member of numerous organizations such as the Group of 20, the World Trade Organization and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
- The Australian economy is characterized by sustained growth, low unemployment, moderate downward inflation and strong public finances managed by an effective government sector.