- Current population: 126 023 728
- Current male population (48.7%) 61 378 273
- Current female population (51.3%) 64 645 455
- Laubor force in 2017: 67,770,000
- In 2017 Japan imported $ 632 Billion, which is the 4th largest importer in the world.
- Its main imports are Crude Oil ($ 57.7 Billion), Oil Gas ($ 37.1 Billion), Broadcasting Equipment ($ 22.1 Billion), Integrated Circuits ($ 21.8 Billion) and Coal briquettes ($ 19.5 Billion).
- The main origins of its imports are China ($ 157 Billion), the United States ($ 66.9 Billion), Australia ($ 34.6 Billion), South Korea ($ 26.9 Billion) and Saudi Saudi ($25 Billion).
- Japan's main exports are Cars ($101 Billion), Parts-Spare Parts ($ 34.9 Billion), Integrated Circuits ($ 26.5 Billion), Self-Powered Machinery ($ 22.6 Billion) and Industrial printers ($ 13.6 milliards), according to the classification of the Harmonized System (HS).
- The main export destinations are China ($ 136 Billion), the United States ($125 Billion), South Korea ($ 54.2 Billion), Other Asian Countries ($ 32.9 Billion) and Hong Kong ($ 32.1 Billion).
- Japan's economy is the third largest in the world
- The strategic sectors of the Japanese economy, as is widely known, are manufactured products and technology, especially vehicles, electronic items and steel industry.
- The industrial sector is highly diversified, manufacturing products ranging from basic products (such as steel and paper) to sophisticated technology.
- Japan dominates the automotive, robotics, biotechnology, nanotechnology and renewable energy sectors.