- Current population 10 173 471
- Current male population (48.5%) 4 929 387
- Current female population (51.5%) 5 244 084
- Labour force in 2017: 233.000
- In 2017 Portugal imported $ 78.3 milliards, making it the 40th largest importer in the world.
- Its main imports are Crude Oil ($ 5.11 Billion), Cars ($ 5.04 Billion), Parts-Spare Parts ($ 2.72 Billion), Packaged Drugs ($ 2.07 Billion) and Gas from oil ($ 1.54 Billion).
- The main origins of its imports are Spain ($ 24.2 milliards), Germany ($ 10.6 milliards), France ($ 5.74 milliards), Italy ($ 4.25 milliards) and the Netherlands ($ 4.16 Billion).
- Portugal's main exports are Petroleum Refining ($ 2.8 Billion), Cars ($ 2.51 Billion), Spare Parts ($ 2.44 Billion), Leather Footwear ($ 2.05 Thousands of million) and uncoated paper ($ 1.13 Billion)
- The main export destinations of Portugal are Spain ($ 12.3 milliards), France ($ 6.91 milliards), Germany ($ 6.69 milliards), the United Kingdom ($ 3.96 milliards) and the United States ($ 3.5 Billion).
- Portugal is the 49th economy by volume of GDP.
- Portugal is in the 34th position of the 190 that make up the Doing Business ranking.