- Current population: 2,704,735
- Current male population (75.9%) 2,053,045
- Current female population (24.1%) 651,690
- Labor force in 2017: 1,953,000
- In 2017 Qatar imported $ 21.6 billion, making it the 67th largest importer in the world.
- Its main imports are Aircraft, helicopters, and / or spacecraft ($ 1.86 Billion), Cars ($ 1.34 Billion), Gas Turbine ($ 1.19 Billion), Jewelry ($ 1, 02 Billion) and Pleasure Boats ($ 567 Million).
- The main origins of its imports are the United Kingdom ($ 3.1 billion), France ($ 2.23 billion), Germany ($ 2.01 billion), China ($ 1.67 billion) and Oman ($ 1.34 Billion).
- Qatar is the 47th largest export economy in the world and the 42nd most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI).
- In 2017, Qatar exported $ 52.3 Billion
- The main exports of Qatar are Petroleum gas ($ 25.5 billion), Crude Oil ($ 13.4 billion), Oil refining ($ 6.34 billion), ethylene polymers ($ 2.04) Billion) and Raw Aluminum ($ 1.06 Billion), according to the classification of the Harmonized System (HS).
- The main export destinations of Qatar are South Korea ($ 10.3 billion), Japan ($ 10 billion), India ($ 7.51 billion), China ($ 5.88 billion) and Singapore ($ 4.69 Billion).
- Qatar is in the 83rd position of the 190 that make up the Doing Business ranking.
- Its inhabitants have a good standard of living, since it ranks number 8 in the ranking of 196 countries in the GDP per capita ranking.
- Oil and gas still account for approximately 92% of export earnings, and 62% of government revenues.