Hong Kong
- Current population: 7,531,003
- Current male population (47.3%) 3,565,439
- Current female population (52.7%) 3,965,564
- Labor force in 2017: 3,965,000
- In 2017, Hong Kong imported $ 608 billion, which is the 6th largest importer in the world.
- Its main imports are Integrated Circuits ($168 Billion), Broadcasting Equipment ($45.4 Billion), Gold ($35Billions), Components of the office machine ($28.6 Billion) and Telephones ($28.1 Billion).
- The main origins of its imports are China ($255 Billion), Singapore ($60.8 Billion), Other Asian Countries ($40.8 Billion), South Korea ($34.8 billion) and Japan ($32.1 billion).
- Hong Kong is the 33rd largest export economy in the world and the 38th most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI).
- In 2017, Hong Kong exported $ 136 billion.
- Hong Kong's main exports are Gold ($25.6 Billion), Broadcasting Equipment ($12.6 Billion), Integrated Circuits ($7.53 Billion), Diamonds ($5.4 Billion). and Telephones ($3.79 billion), according to the classification of the Harmonized System (HS).
- The main destinations of exports from Hong Kong are China ($16.4 billion), Thailand ($12.5 billion), Other Asian countries ($12 billion), India ($10.3 Thousands of million) and Vietnam ($ 10.1 billion).
- In 2017 Hong Kong's GDP was $341 billion and its GDP per capita was $ 61.5 thousand.
- Hong Kong is in the 4th place of the 190 that make up the Doing Business ranking.
- As for the Human Development Index or HDI, developed by the United Nations to measure the progress of a country and that ultimately shows the standard of living of its inhabitants, indicates that Hong Kong people are among those with the best quality of life.
- As for the Corruption Perception Index of the public sector in Hong Kong, it has been 76 points, so its inhabitants have a low level of perception of government corruption.