- Current population 81 419 919
- Current male population (49.0%) 39 928 891
- Current female population (51.0%) 41 491 028
- Labour force in 2017: 45.900.000
- In 2017 Germany imported US$1,173,628 million, making it the 3rd largest importer in the world.
- At the 6-digit HS level, 4,408 products were exported to 231 countries and 4,506 products were imported from 221 countries.
- Its top imports are Cars ($60B), Vehicle Parts ($42.1B), Crude Petroleum ($30.1B), Packaged Medicaments ($25.8B) and Human or Animal Blood ($22.1B).
- The top import origins are China ($109B), the Netherlands ($89.9B), France ($69.1B), the United States ($61.6B) and Italy ($58.5B).
- Germany is the 2nd largest export economy in the world and the 3rd most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI).
- The economy of Germany is the fourth most powerful economy in the world after the United States, China and Japan and the fifth by GDP (PPP).
- In 2014 Germany recorded the largest trade surplus in the world with 285 billion dollars, making it the largest exporter of capital worldwide.
- It is the first important industrialized country in the world that is committed to the renewable energy transition called Energiewende.
- Germany is the largest producer of lignite in the world. Germany is also rich in wood, iron, potash, salt, uranium, nickel, copper and natural gas.
- It is the most important location for trade fairs in the world. Around two thirds of the most important fairs in the world are held in Germany. The largest annual fairs and international congresses take place in several German cities, such as Hannover, Munich, Frankfurt and Berlin.
- The socio-economic policy of Germany is based on the concept of the social market economy.
- Of the 500 largest listed companies in the world, 50 are headquartered in Germany.