United Arab Emirates
- Current population: 9 914 501
- Current male population (69.5%) 6 887 431
- Current female population (30.5%) 3 027 070
- It is the country with the highest percentage of immigrants in the world, with 88.43% of its population.
- Labor force in 2018: 5.344.000
- In 2017 the United Arab Emirates imported $ 175 billion, making it the 25th largest importer in the world.
- Its main imports are Gold ($ 17.2 Billion), Jewelry ($10.5 Billion), Cars ($8.62 Billion), Diamonds ($8.32 Billion) and Oil Refining ($8,16 Billions).
- The main origins of its imports are China ($28.6 billion), India ($28 billion), Germany ($12.2 billion), the United Kingdom ($9.6 billion) and turkey ($ 9.2 Billion).
- The main exports of the United Arab Emirates are Crude Oil ($39.9 Billion), Oil Refining ($21.2 Billion), Gold ($20.2 Billion), Diamonds ($8.22 Billion) and Petroleum gas ($7.92 Billion), according to the classification of the Harmonized System (HS).
- The United Arab Emirates is the 32nd largest export economy in the world and the 54th most complex economy according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI).
- It occupies the 22nd place in the ranking, which means that its population has a good standard of living in relation to the 196 countries in the GDP per capita ranking.
- Is in the 11th position of the 190 that make up the Doing Business ranking, which classifies countries according to the ease they offer to do business.
- As for the Corruption Perception Index of the public sector in the UAE, it has been 70 points, so its inhabitants have a low level of perception of government corruption.