- Current population: 99 632 306,
- Current male population (50.2%) 50 025 494
- Current female population (49.8%) 49 606 812.
- Labor force in 2017: 29.950.000
- In 2017 Egypt exported $ 30.1 milliards, which is the 62nd largest exporter in the world.
- Its main imports are Wheat ($ 4.17 Billion), Oil Gas ($ 3.59 Billion), Oil Refining ($ 3.26 Billion), Iron Semi-finished ($ 1.97 Billion) and Crude Oil ($ 1.62 Billion).
- The main origins of its imports are China ($ 8.07 Billion), Russia ($ 5.84 Billion), Germany ($ 3.45 Billion), the United States ($ 3.38 Billion) and Italy. ($ 3.19 Billion).
- Egypt's main exports are Crude Oil ($ 4.69 Billion), Gold ($ 2.78 Billion), Nitrogen fertilizer ($ 1.15 Billion), Oil Refining ($ 902 Million) and Isolated Cable ($ 892 Million), according to the classification of the Harmonized System (HS).
- Egypt exports 264 products with revealed comparative advantage (which means that its share in world exports of these products is higher than what one would expect given the size of its economy and the size of the global market for these products).
- Egypt, located in North Africa, has an area of 1,001,450 km2, so it can be considered a large country.
- Egypt is the 45th economy by volume of GDP.
- According to the International Monetary Fund, the macroeconomic picture of the country reflects a stable and favorable evolution. Egypt managed to dodge the impact of the global recession and its gross domestic product has been growing about 5% since 2008.
- Thanks to international financing and budgetary adjustments, the Egyptian economy offers new projects with which it hopes to flood its productive fabric with international investments.