The most relevant information about the technology industry in some of the countries where we currently work.
- The global ICT industry continues to grow, with global revenues projected to reach close to 4.5 trillion euros by 2019.
- Canada represents a relatively small portion of this global market; however, it is home of a vibrant and divers ITC sector that has grown to become one of the major national drivers of innovation and economic growth.
- Revenues in the ICT sector reached $184.3 billion in 2017, up 3.2% from the previous year.
- British Columbia has the fastest growing technology sector in the country with $26 billion a year in generated revenue.
- The rapid expansion has earned Canada's tech sector the title of fastest growing industry in the country.
- Toronto recently made headlines for being the fastest growing market for tech jobs in the world.
- There were 40,000 companies in the Canadian Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) sector in 2017. The large majority are in the software and computer services industries.
- The ICT sector makes a substantial contribution to Canada’s GDP. In 2017, the sector’s GDP was $83.5 billion (in 2012 constant dollars) and accounted for 4.4% of national GDP.
- The ICT sector growth accelerated in 2017, as the sector grew by 3.9%, outpacing the total Canadian economy (+3.4%) by half a percentage point. All ICT sub-sectors experienced growth in 2017.
- The ICT wholesaling and the software and computer services sub-sectors posted the strongest growth, up 10.0% and 6.1% respectively. Meanwhile, the ICT manufacturing industries expanded by 3.8% and the communications services sub-sector by 0.4%.
- Since 2012, the ICT sector has posted a stronger annual growth than the total economy. On average, annual growth in this sector has been 2.6%.
- The Canadian ICT manufacturing sub-sector relies heavily on the export market. About 77% of ICT products manufactured in Canada were exported in 2017.
- Overall Canadian exports of ICT goods and services grew by 1.2% annually from 2012 to 2017 to reach $23.7 billion
- The Canadian cyber security software and services market was estimated at almost $2 billion in 2017, up 8.2% from 2016. While smaller, the data analytic market is also growing at more than 8% annually and reached $700 million in 2017.
- According to IDC, the public cloud application software market is growing at an annual rate of 14.4%, while the hosting infrastructure services market is growing at an annual rate of 16%, reaching more than $2 billion in value.
- Canada predicted in 2018 that the Canadian Internet of Things (aka tech built into everyday things) will be worth more than $6.5 billion alone.
- International tech companies and investors consider Canada as the best environment in which to do business, expand or relocate. Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal regularly make best-of lists naming the top cities for tech innovation and finding talent.
- In July 2017, the government launched a new $1.26 billion Strategic Innovation Fund available to all sectors designed to encourage growth, development and commercialization of products and services, aiming to double the number of high-growth companies in Canada, particularly in the digital, clean technology and health technology sectors by 2025.
- Canada invests $4.6 billion annually into Research & Development, more than any other private sector segment in Canada.
- The IT Industry in Mexico Is the Largest in Latin America.
- In 2019 more than 800,000 employees are reported in the information technology (IT) industry
- The technology industry invoiced $23.5 million USD in 2018
- In 2019 there are 4,000 registered companies in this sector.
- 20 national companies employ more than 23,500 people
- 32 global companies employ more than 32,000 people in the country
- From 2014 to 2018, the average growth of the industry was 10.5%
- The financial technologies known as Fintech have made Mexico become a leader in financial innovation, by 2019 it generates investments of up to $3054 million USD.
- Mexico was the first country in Latin America to pass a law to regulate financial technology. In March 2018, the Mexican Congress approved it
- Jalisco exports $ 21 billion annually in technology products and services, according to the state's innovation ministry
- In Jalisco there are more than 85,000 graduates each year in Technology
- Last year, software sales in Mexico broke $ 3.8 billion and are likely to be jumping up to $ 4.9 billion in 2019
- The world Space Week committee, created by the UN, recognized Mexico for its diffusion of activities to attract young people to space science and technology
- In the last four years, approximately US $ 120 million have been invested in more than 300 high-tech companies.
- In 2019, Mexico's high-tech industry represents $ 21 billion in exports. In five years, $ 100 billion are projected.
- S., Brazil, Canada and Mexico are at the top of the software development industry in the Americas.
- Mexico has one of the largest open source databases in the world thanks to the Mexican Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI)
- Virtually all automakers have been installed South of the border. General Motors, Ford, Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen, Audi, BMW, Hyundai and Mazda manufacture their vehicles there.
- The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), practically without tariffs, has attracted more companies to Mexico. It is not irregular for US companies to plant their roots in Mexico, where there are lower costs and fewer regulations.
- Mexico received almost a quarter of all venture capital investments in Latin America in 2017.
- Goldman Sachs predicts that Mexico will be the fifth largest economy in the world by 2050. It has the potential to lead much of the technological ecosystem in Latin America in the coming years.
- The United States is the largest tech market in the world, representing 31% of the total, or approximately $1.6 trillion USD for 2019.
- United States has been the birthplace of 161 of the 321 largest inventions of Britannica, including items such as aircraft, internet, microchip, laser, cell phone, refrigerator, email, microwave, personal computer, liquid crystal display and light. Diode technology, air conditioning, assembly line, supermarket, barcode, ATM and many more
- The commercial sector is, by far, the one with the most performance in R & D in the US. UU., Representing 72 percent of the total of $ 495 billion USD in 2015.
- The fixed telecommunications sector (telephony and fixed broadband) in Ibero-America and the United States had revenues of 44,882 million dollars in the third quarter of 2016, an increase of 4.2% compared to the same period of 2015
- The United States formed the largest number of doctorates in science and technology (40,000) than any other country, followed by China (34,000), Russia (19,000), Germany (15,000), the United Kingdom (14,000) and India (13,000)
- The United States is a leader in the provision of financial, commercial and information services, with 31% of the global quota, followed by the European Union (EU) with 21%.
- Net tech employment in the United States reached an estimated 11,812,147 workers in 2018, an increase of 2.3 percent or 260,865 new jobs.
- $1.8 trillion USD the estimated direct economic output of the tech industry in 2018, representing 10.2 percent of the national economy.
- 525,000 number of tech business establishments in the U.S.; tech startups/new business units launched in 2018 totaled 40,500
- External purchases in the first four months of 2018 of technological items totaled $151,850 million dollars, with a supply of 34.8% by China and 11.9% by Mexico.
- Brazil ranks first in Latin America in the information technology market with a total share of 36.7% of a total invoiced of USD$105.3 billion in 2016.
- The Brazilian IT market, including exports, has a volume of about USD$39.6 thousand million and represents 2.1% of Brazilian GDP and 1.9% of total IT investments in the world.
- The year 2016 ended with a worldwide turnover in the information technology market of 2.03 billion US dollars.
- The numbers position Brazil as the world's 9th largest market in terms of IT investment, according to the ABES numbers.
- IT spending for 2018 in Brazil went up 9.8 percent, reaching USD$47 billion
- Out of the total amount of business generated by the Brazilian IT industry in 2017, USD$23.9 billion (51.3 percent) refers to investments in hardware, while USD$12.2 billion (26.2 percent) is related to services, with software accounting for USD$10.5 billion (22.5 percent).
- In 2002, Google selected São Paulo, Brazil as the site for its very first offices in Latin America and many other global tech giants followed shortly after that. Today, Uber, Airbnb, Facebook, Instagram, and nearly every other global tech company have offices in Brazil.
- According to statistics, approximately 58% of Brazil’s population has Internet access, and over 100 million people connect using smartphones.
- The Brazilian government predicts that IT projects will contribute USD$132 billion to the economy by 2025 in verticals such as smart cities, healthcare, agriculture, and manufacturing.
- The Brazilian e-commerce market is growing fast and is expected to increase by 39% by 2022.